About the Guide

The King County Trans Resource and Referral Guide (TRRG) was produced by the Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence under a grant awarded by the King County Department of Community and Human Services Behavioral Health and Recovery Division. The opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of King County or the Coalition Ending Gender-Based Violence. Contact the Coalition at endgv.org or 206-568-5454.

A note on trans

When we use the term “trans” in this guide, we include anyone whose gender identity and/or expression does not match the gender norms that mainstream society attaches to their gender assigned at birth. We know that not everyone who falls under this umbrella identifies as trans, but this guide is still for you.


We tried our best to get in touch with each provider and gather additional information about cultural competency, services, and accessibility that would to help you make more informed decisions about where to seek services. We relied on a combination of provider responses and community-sourced knowledge to populate our site key. However, we were not able to reach all of the providers, so an absence of a key indicator for a provider may just mean that their information is missing, not that they don’t have competent services. We encourage you talk to community members and contact providers directly to inquire about this information.

Questions, comments, corrections

…or want a paper copy? Email us.